Probability Density Functions of Daily Rain
See below for more information.
Contours of the 95th percentile

Contours of the 99th percentile

These plots show contours of the 95th and 99th percentile of the Probability Density Functions (PDFs) of daily total rain at stations in the UVic School-Based Weather Station Network. Only 5% and 1% of the time that it rains the observed daily total will be greater than the values contoured on the 95th and 99th percentile plots respectively. These contours become more accurate as more data is collected and this is a bit of a problem for some of our sites.
The plots are shown for the entire year and for each season. The seasons are defined as follows:
- Winter--January, February, March
- Spring--April, May, June
- Summer--July, August, September
- Fall--October, November, December
See our page of PDFs of daily rain for more information.